
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It's Snowing

So, it took long enough this year, but the first snowfall of the season is finally upon us, and man is it ever. Here at work, my desk faces the front door which is made completely of glass so I can see everything outside and what I see right now makes me want to go home, make some hot chocolate and sit in front of the fire enjoying the scene. But of course, duty calls and I'm here at work just admiring the view from my office chair. It's certianly enough to keep me distracted though. These flakes are the biggest I think I've ever seen. I wish I had my camera so I could post a picture on here. It's really beautiful. Too bad it's not going to stick around. It's supposed to be 70-something again this weekend. Gosh, I love Kansas :-)

I get to go to Topeka to class tonight but I'm debating whether risking my life on the turnpike is worth it or not. It's supposed to be well below freezing by the time I'm supposed to get out of class and I really don't want to deal with that coming home. I would much rather go home and make the previously mentioned mug of hot chocolate and light a fire and enjoy my evening without Accounting.

Anyway, enough with the weather. I spent the weekend with my girls in Wichita. I'm always happy to see my friends that I rarely get a chance to spend time with, but when we do get together, it's like we were never apart. I love those girls.

Back to work to make some money.


"Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow." ~Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening -US poet (1874 - 1963)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

[ ] I'm afraid of silence.
[ ] I am really ticklish.
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark.
[ ] I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors at night.
[ ] I am homosexual.
[x] I believe in true love.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I listen to political music.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[ ] I shut others out when I'm sad.
[x] I stayed out all night.
[x] I open up to others easily.
[ ] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[x] I watch the news, some of the time.
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[x] I love Disney movies.
[x] I am a sucker for green eyes
[ ] I don't kill bugs.
[x] I curse once in awhile.
[ ] I have (had) "x"s in my screen name.
[x] I've slipped and fell in public.
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[x] I love Spam...
[x] I bake well.
[x] I have worn pajamas in public.
[ ] I have owned something from Abercrombie.
[x] I have a job.
[x] Talked on a phone for 5+ hours.
[x] I love Dr. Phil
[x] I like someone.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[x] I am self-conscious.
[x] I love to laugh.
[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis
[x] I have tried a cigarette.
[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day.
[ ] I loved Lord of the Flies.
[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x] I have a few scars.
[x] I've been out of this country.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I love chocolate.
[ ] I bite my nails.
[ ] I am not comfortable with being me.
[x] I play computer games when I'm bored.
[ ] Gotten lost in the city.
[x] Thought of suicide before.
[x] Seen a shooting star
[x] Had a serious surgery.
[ ] Have kissed a stranger.
[x] Hugged a stranger.
[ ] Been in a bloody fist fight with someone of the same sex.
[ ] Been in a fist fight.
[ ] Been arrested.
[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of your nose.
[ ] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] Made out in an elevator...
[ ] Swore at your parents.
[x] Kicked a guy where it hurts on purpose
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[x] Gotten stitches.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[x] Bitten someone.
[ ] Liked it.
[x] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x] Gotten the chicken pox.
[ ] Crashed into a car.
[ ] been to China.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[ ] Shoplifted.
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] Stole something from your job.
[ ] Gone on a blind date.
[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach
[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[x] Been to Europe.
[ ] Slept with a co-worker.
[ ] Been married.
[ ] Gotten divorced.
[ ]Saw someone/something dying.
[x] Driven over 400 miles in one day.
[x] Been to Canada.
[x] Been to Mexico.
[x] Been on a Plane.
[x] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[ ] Thrown up in a bar.
[x] Eaten sushi.
[ ] Been snowboarding.
[x] Been skiing.
[ ] Been ice skating
[x] Cried in public
[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed.
[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have.
[x] Thought of someone almost 24/7
[ ] Hated the world.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm an Aunt a day early

Don't have much time to post here in Milwaukee but I thought I would let everyone see my adorable nephew, Heath William Jon Turner, who was born this morning at 1:33am. He weighed 7lbs. 11oz. and was 20 inches long. Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm tired of the hospital

So I lied. . . things are not calming down. I haven't spent an entire evening at home for almost two weeks and I'm getting tired of not having time to relax and clean the house or do laundry in one sitting. My clean laundry has been sitting in the dryer for about three days now and I just haven't had time to deal with it. Tonight, I've got to go straight to class after work, and then to see my dad, then I have to go home and pack because I leave for Milwaukee tomorrow afternoon for work. Ugh. . . I wish there were more hours in the day.

The main reason I have had very little free time in the last week is because a week ago this morning, I was sitting in a hospital waiting room while my dad had hip replacement surgery on his left hip. Mom and I spent the whole day at the hospital and Ashley was in and out. Mom's best friend Sheri spent all morning with us until he was settled in his hospital room. I'm glad she was there with us, otherwise, I'm sure all we would have been thinking about would have been the surgery and how scared he was when they wheeled him away from mom and I at 7:50 that morning. Since the surgery, I have spent at least an hour at the hospital every day and usually it's been more like 3 or 4. I was there for most of the day on Saturday. I'm happy to report that he's doing a lot better now than he was a week ago and they're sending him home sometime today.

I'm not really comfortable leaving town right after this happened, especially since my older sister is scheduled to be induced and have her baby Thursday morning and I'm going to be hundreds of miles away for work. That irritates me to no end. I had already said I wasn't going to go to Milwaukee because of family circumstances that I wasn't comfortable missing, but kind of got guilt tripped into it. What irritates me the most is that it's just me that has to go. Ashley gets to stay in town and see the baby when he's born.

In other news, I found out last night that one of my best friends from high school got married on Saturday. . . I knew she was engaged, but I honestly thought the wedding was supposed to be in the Spring sometime. I'm a little confused, but not so much offended that I wasn't invited because apparently it was just family and they're having a shower or something after Thanksgiving.

Everyone's getting married. . . yeah, it would be nice, but there's so much going on in my life right now that I don't think I could devote myself 100% to anyone other than me. I've got school, work, family drama and a whole list of other things that are caving in on me all at once. It's hard enough to make sure my dishes are done and my clothes are clean all on my own. When I'm done with school and satisfied that I am where I want to be in my professional life, then I'll think about getting married and starting my family. But for now, my nephew will have to do when he makes his appearance.

This past Thursday, my former roommate and very good friend Ashley left for Missionary Training for the Morman Church. She will spend the next approximately 3 months in Provo, Utah training to be a missionary in Budapest, Hungary. Ashley will be in Budapest for about 15 months. She's due to return to the United States in April of 2007 if everything goes as planned. The night before she left Lawrence, Ellen and I went to dinner with her at Chipotle and then got some ice cream at her favorite place in town (Sylas and Maddie's). I was glad that we got to spend some time together before she left because we don't get to see her nearly as often as we would like. We lived together for a year in our first apartment at Jefferson Commons, then, even though she paid rent for the entire next year, she decided to move to New Jersey and be a nanny. She spent the next 3 years (wow, it doesn't seem nearly that long) in New Jersey, which is where she converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and really found her place in the world. I'm very happy for her, but also sad that she'll be out of touch for so long. I promised her though before she left that I wouldn't even think of getting married before she got home because she is totally going to be one of my bridesmaids. :-) Not that I really have to worry about that any time soon.

Well, I've made this far too long already so I'll end with a quote and wish everyone well until after I get home.


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." ~Robert Frost, The Road Not TakenUS poet (1874 - 1963)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Things are finally starting to calm down

I say starting because only one of the billion big events that are occurring this fall has already happened. Brian and Ellen got married on Saturday and it was great. I have really never seen Ellen so happy. She didn't stop smiling ear to ear from the time we woke up at 5:30 am to the time I left the reception at 8:45 pm. I got to see Ashley and spend some real quality time with her on Saturday night which was awesome. I already miss her bunches when she's gone now, but she's getting ready to head off to her Mission in Budapest for 15 months and before she leaves, she'll spend 3 months in Utah so I'm going to miss her even more over the next year and a half. At least she and I will be able to stay in contact with each other though because I am her blogger buddy and will be updating hers when she sends me letters and such.

Geri and Trent's wedding is this Saturday. It should be good too. I'm sure the vibe will be completely different because they're completely different groups of people than those who attended Ellen and Brian's wedding.

Seems like everyone else has done this so here goes. . .

10 years ago:
1. I was in 8th grade.
2. I was still in love with Joe.
3. I hadn't been WA yet.
4. I still had 3 living grandparents.
5. I decided that I wanted to sing.

5 years ago:
1. I was 19.
2. I had just dropped all my classes at KU.
3. I was living in my first apartment at Jeff Co with Ellen, Dorian and Ashley.
4. I had just started my first full time job at Ballard Community Center in the Toddler Room.
5. I was engaged to Scott.

1 year ago:
1. I was still living with Ellen, but had added, Brian, Ashley (my sister) and Marc.
2. I was attending Johnson County Community College.
3. I had changed my major for the fourth and final time at JCCC.
4. I had just gotten home from the Western Caribbean via New Orleans.
5. I decided that I would finish my Bachelors at Washburn and it would be in Technology Administration.

1. I spent the night at my parents because they are in Washington, DC so my dad can get his 33rd Degree in the House of the Temple.
2. I worked all day.
4. I was still recovering from Ellen and Brian's wedding.
5. I went to the Rainbow/Pledge meeting and helped the girls bake cookies.

5 snacks I like:
1. Snickers
2. Cucumbers and ranch
3. Plain Einstein Brother's Bagels
4. Peaches or mixed fruit in strawberry jello
5. Brownies

5 songs I know the words to:
1. Skin - Rascal Flatts
2. Shake It Off - Mariah Carey
3. Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
4. Independence Day - Martina McBride
5. Stay With Me (Brass Bed) - Josh Gracin

If I had a million dollars:
1. I would give the Assembly $200,000 to help girls with expenses in the future.
2. I would buy a house that I could raise a family in.
3. I would fix up my parents house so it would be easier for them to sell.
4. I would pay off my debt and pay my parents back for everything they have done for me since I left the house.
5. I would put everything left in savings for emergencies or college funds for my family.

5 things I would never wear:
1. Stilletos
2. Sweaters (if I can help it)
3. MU regalia
4. Something that clashes
5. A bikini

Favorite TV shows:
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Lost
3. The Apprentice
4. Friends
5. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

5 Bad Habits:
1. Picking at my nails (I've gotten a lot better about it and have nails for the first time in my life)
2. Procrastinating
3. Allowing bad relationships to last too long
4. Not spending as much time on school work as I should
5. Eating fast food.

5 biggest joys:
1. Family
2. Friends
3. Faith
4. Beautiful fall days
5. Independence

Thought for today: "All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon sand." ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox, O Magazine, February 2004

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Wow. . . so much has happened in the last two weeks. August 29, 2005 is a day that Americans won't soon forget. One of the worst natural disasters in the history of the country and probably the worst in my lifetime struck the Gulf Coast in the form of Hurricane Katrina. It was less than a year ago when Ellen and I spent a day and a half in New Orleans before we boarded our cruise ship and headed for Mexico. New Orleans is such a wonderful city and I am broken-hearted that I wasn't able to spend more time there before this disaster happened.

While we were there, we spent some time walking in the French Quarter (avoiding Burbon Street) and had dinner at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville. We walked along the banks of the Mississippi River and the next morning we spent an hour or so walking through RiverWalk (the mall on the river near the cruise terminal). We ate Bingets from Cafe DuMonde and took pictures of our time there. I only wish I would have been able to go back and spend some more time there.

I personally do not know anyone affected by the storm but I do know that the Grand Worthy Advisor of Mississippi has lost her home and her job. I can't even imagine what those families are going through right now. People had to abandon their pets, their friends and the place that they have called home for their entire lives. Just watching it on televlsion makes me tear up on a daily basis. I wish I had the resources to do more to help. I sent my donation to Supreme Assembly so that maybe I could help a fellow member little bit. I know what I sent won't even make a dent in their rebuilding process, but every little bit helps, right?

My best friend Kevin is in the suburbs of New Orleans right now with his National Guard unit and he was supposed to be sent their to bag and tag bodies. Right now his unit is patrolling in Chalmette, Louisiana. They are the police at this point and they are going door to door marking the homes with the number of living or dead. He says he can'e believe the destruction in the area, and coming from him, that's a big statement. He compared the situation to the movie 28 Days except the bad guys aren't zombies, they are "gang bangers shooting at us." I said a few days ago that I would rather he be in Louisiana than in Iraq but at this point, I don't know which would be worse. Kevin has taken a lot of pictures and I'm sure that I will get them whenever he gets home and I'll post some here. For now, I will post some of the pictures of New Orleans when we were there last fall.

For Today: "Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have." ~H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Oooo. . . Two days in a row. I'm working on a record here. Check it out. . . it's finally up : http://www.lawrencemasons.com. Nothing exciting today though just 100 things about me:

1. First grade teacher's name: Miss Tusten

2. Last person you kissed: probably my grandma

3. Last word you said: "thanks"

4. Last song you sang: I don't remember. . . it was a couple of nights ago I think. I'm going to class tonight though so there will be singing in the car I'm sure. I just can't help myself.

5. Last person you hugged: My very pregnant sister, Kim

6. Last thing you laughed at: Something on TV last night, I'm sure

7. What's in your CD player: A CD from Ireland

8. What socks are you wearing: None

9. What's under your bed: I can proudly say not a thing. . . living alone allows for lots of extra storage space :-)

10. Current status: Pertaining to what exactly?

11. Current taste: What do I taste right now? Root Beer

12. Current hair style: I straightened it but it's pulled back in a ponytail

13. Current clothes: black shirt and jean skirt

14. Current Job: Associate Financial Representative

15. Current longing: a day off, which I will get on Monday

16. Current desktop picture: At home, it's the sunset over Clinton Lake. At work, it's the sunset over some body of water

17. Current worry: Not really worried about anything right now

18. Current hate: Indecisivness

19. Story behind your screenname: My nickname was Manda in high school and 2831 is my parent's street address. . . therefore, Manda2831

20. Current favorite article of clothing: A new skirt I got about a month ago

21. Favorite physical feature(s): On someone else, eyes and smile. . . on me, eyes and hair on good days

22. Last CD that you bought: I can't even remember, it's been so long

23. Favorite place to be: At my house

24. Least favorite place: I can't think of anywhere I would hate to be Earth right now

25. Time you wake up in the morning: During the week, usually between 6:15 and 7:15, depending on what I have to do before I leave for work. On weekends, if I don't have anything I need to get up for, I can usually make it until 10 or so.

26. If you could play a new instrument? I would love to learn how to play the guitar but I'm not patient enough

27. Favorite Movies: "Notting Hill" or anything with Julia Roberts. "The Wedding Date" was good too.

28. Favorite Songs: "Dream Big" and "The Hopechest Song"

29. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: My Grandpa

30. Favorite day: Saturday

31. Where do you want to go: Right now, to lunch, but in the future, I'd love to travel. . . lots of places but #1 would probably be going back to Ireland

32. What is your career going to be: Well, it already is in the insurance and financial services industry. I work for Executive Benefits Network, which is a branch or Northwestern Mutual Financial Network.

33. What kind of car will you have: I want kids, so I'll probably have an SUV of some kind eventually

34. A random lyric: "I'll be your crying shoulderI'll be love's suicideI'll be better when I'm olderI'll be the greatest fan of your life"

35. Eye Color: Hazel

36. Hair Color: Dark Brown

37. Righty or Lefty: Righty

38. Zodiac Sign: Cancer

39.Innie or Outtie: Innie


40. Your heritage: Mostly Irish with some other random stuff in there too

41. The shoes you wore today: Black flip flops

49. Your hair: It's brown. . . highlights are growing out. . . it's about 4 inches below my shoulders

50. Your weakness: kindness

51. Your fears: Spiders and losing someone I love

52. Your most recent secret?: I don't have any secrets. . . if you want to know, ask

54. Your thoughts first waking up: Do I really have to get up

55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes

56. Your bedtime: between 10 and 11:30

57. Your most missed girlfriend/boyfriend: I don't really miss any of them

58. Your perfect pizza: Thin crust ham and black olive from Papa John's

59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: sweet and chewy

60. Single or group dates: Both are fun

61. Dogs or Cats: Dogs

62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I don't like tea

63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

64. Cappuccino or coffee?: Neither


65. Smoke: nope

66. Curse: I try not to

67. Sing: Yep

68. Take a shower everyday: Yes

69. Have a crush: I wouldn't call it that

71. Think you've been in love: Yeah

72. Want to go to college: In the process of

73. Want more than what you got: Depends on what we're talking about

74. Want to get married: Absolutely

75. Type w/ your fingers on the right key: Kind of

76. Think you're attractive: To the ones that matter

77. Think you're a health freak: Not a freak

78. Get along with your parents: Yeah

79. Play an instrument: Clarinet and percussion

IN THE PAST 3 Months:

80. Drink: once

82. Done a drug: No

83. Made Out: No

84. Go on a date: No

85. Eaten an entire box of fruity pebbles: No

86. Eaten sushi: No

87. Been dumped: No

88. Made homemade cookies: Yes

89. Been in love: No

90. Gone skinny dipping: No

91. Dyed your hair: No

92. Stolen anything: No


93. Had too much to drink: No

94. Been caught cheating: No

95. Been called a tease: Yes, but in a joking way

96. Gotten beaten up: No

97. Changed who you were to fit in: No

98. Cried at something beautiful: I'm sure I have

99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need: Yeah

100. Cried when someone died: Yeah


"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." ~Robert H. GoddardUS physicist & pioneer rocket engineer (1882 - 1945)